Name |
Location |
Topic |
Kind of Presentation |
Alexandrov, Arthur; E. Mandritsa |
St. Petersburg, Russia |
Characteristics of the attachment in the process of psychotherapy in the patients with neurotic and personality disturbances |
Lecture |
Aleksandrowicz, Jerzy; Sobanski, J. |
Cracow, Poland |
Effectiveness of cognitive, psychodynamic and integrative psychotherapies - comparative study |
Lecture |
Ammon, Maria |
Berlin/München, Germany |
Early traumatizing in schizophrenia and treatment consequences |
Lecture |
Ammon, Maria |
Berlin/München, Germany |
Transgenerational transmission and personality development |
Lecture |
Apfelthaler, Rita |
Munich, Germany |
Results of Rorschach test by a highly traumatised patietn. A case study. |
Lecture |
Bar-el, Juan |
Haifa, Israel |
Couples of two people with schizophrenia, an additional burden or a blessing? |
Lecture |
Bar-el, Juan; Geiger, Brenda |
Haifa, Israel |
Love among shizophrenic couples |
Lecture |
Bhagat, Rajni; Mishra, J. P. |
Chandil, Jharkhand, India |
Holistic Approach of Personality Disorders in Modern Era |
Lecture |
Biran, Hanna; Hasharon, Ramat |
Israel |
Panel with Palestinians and Israelis |
Panel |
Buda, Béla |
Budapest, Hungary |
Perspectives of Life Span Development of Ego and Identity. Implications for prevention, self help and social/re/integration |
Lecture |
Bulut, Isil |
Ankara, Turkey |
Social Work with Hemodialysis Patient |
Lecture |
von Bülow, Gabriele |
Berlin, Germany |
Psychoanalysis of Transgenerational Traumata, with Case-Studies |
Lecture |
von Bülow, Gabriele |
Berlin, Germany |
The importance of therapeutic relationship in traumatherapy |
Lecture |
Burbiel, Ilse; Finke, Gisela |
München, Germany |
The dynamic psychiatric concept of Borderline therapy in comparison with other models of treatment |
Lecture |
Busch, Angela |
München, Germany |
Some aspects of Sandor Ferenczis understanding of traumatisation |
Lecture |
Carleton, John L. |
St. Barbara, California |
The Genesis of Human Maladaptivity: the Need for the Creation of a New System for Diagnostic Labeling |
Lecture |
Carmi, Amnon |
Haifa, Israel |
Different approaches to ethics education |
Lecture |
Carmi, Amnon |
Haifa, Israel |
Trauma in courtroom: The Judge, the patient and the society |
Lecture |
Celik, Aysin Turpoglu |
Istambul, Turkey |
Use of Expressive Arts Therapy Tecniques in Working with Trauma and Vaginismus |
Workshop |
Christie, George; Morgan, Ann |
Kew Vic., Australia |
A co-therapy couple engage with unexplained infertility |
Lecture |
Dimitrieva, Tatjana; Poloshij, Boris |
Moscow, Russia |
Social stress factors and individual personality traits in development and dynamics of different psychic illnesses |
Lecture |
Drapeau, Marie |
Montreal, Canada |
A treatment modality for patients suffering from severe and persistent mental disorders: Creative art therapy group program |
Lecture |
Düsing, Edith |
Köln, Germany |
Selection of Research Contributions |
Lecture |
Dworschak, Monika |
München, Germany |
Lecture |
Ebrahim, et al. |
München, Germany |
Stationäre Therapie Jugendlicher in der Klinik Menterschwaige |
Lecture |
Fabian, Egon |
München, Germany |
Hate and Identity. A Dynamic Psychiatric Approach |
Lecture |
Fazekas, Agnes |
Budapest, Hungary |
The most important thing is that the family should keep together |
Poster |
Finke, Gisela |
Munich, Germany |
Outcome and follow-up of the treatment of personality disorders |
Lecture |
Flader, Dieter |
Berlin, Germany |
The traumatized child, patterns of a narcissistic relationship, and the crisis of modern society |
Lecture |
Flaker, Vito |
Ljubljana,Slovenia |
Social, psychological and economic problems involved in the process of restructuring a traditional long stay institution |
Lecture |
Gemmer, Ingo |
Düsseldorf, Germany |
Twelve distinguishable identity disorders - result of diagnostic research |
Lecture |
Gökler, Bahar |
Ankara, Turkey |
Trauma as a risk factor for personality development |
Lecture |
Gökler, Bahar |
Ankara, Turkey |
Transgenerational transmission of trauma |
Lecture |
Göring, Albrecht |
München, Germany |
Traumatic historical influences on genda development of men |
Short Lecture |
Göring, Albrecht |
München, Germany |
About different types of leadership in group psychotherapy |
Short Lecture |
Gusseva, O. V. |
St. Petersburg, Russia |
Integration of dynamic psychotherapy and psychopharmacotherapy to the treatment of in-patients with endogenous psychoses |
Lecture |
Haehn, Karin |
Bavaria, Germany |
A view on family dynamics from a psychiatric experienced person |
Lecture |
Hermelink, Bettina |
München, Germany |
Lecture |
Heyden, Saskia; Roschat Heidi |
München, Germany |
Personality supporting process by milieu-therapeutic project work in a therapeutic living community of Dynamic Psychiatry. A single case study. |
Lecture |
Horst, Meinhart |
Heidelberg, Germany |
Dynamic Psychiatry as research program |
Lecture |
Kappéter, István |
Tápiógyörgye, Hungary |
Personality changes after an essential change of the milieu |
Lecture |
Karvassarski, Boris |
St. Petersburg, Russia |
The main psychotherapeutic strategies in Russian psychothery at the beginning of the 21st Century |
Keleman, Gabor |
Pécs, Hungary |
Repairing of the attachment bond of substance abusers within a therapeutic community |
Lecture |
Kiem, Petra |
Berlin, Germany |
Problems of attachment in the therapeutic relationship with patients adopted in childhood (case-study) |
Lecture |
Knobel, Mauricio |
Campinas, Brasil |
Diagnosis and Questionning. Treatment of Personality Disorders |
Lecture |
Kölling, Wolfram |
Stiefenhofen, Germany |
Conflicts of shame and their meaning for transpersonal psychology |
Lecture |
Korolenko, Ts. P.; Zagorujko, E.; Korolenko, T. A. |
Novosibirsk, Russland |
Self-mutilation, suicide and rage-type violence in patients with borderline personality disorder |
Lecture |
Küey, Levent |
Istanbul, Turkey |
I, myself and others: violence and hope |
Lecture |
Landmann, Karen |
New York, USA |
Treating survivors of mass trauma: lessons from September 11 |
Lecture |
Laungani, Pittu |
London, United Kingdom |
Trauma and Mental Illness: Cross-cultural paradigms |
Lecture |
Lautenschläger, Ruth |
Berlin, Germany |
Professional development of patients with early childhood trauma in a therapeutic living community |
Lecture |
Laurinaitis, Eugenijus; Czeslaw Czabala |
Warszawa, Poland |
Psychotherapy in the Central Europe |
Lecture |
Leßner, Erwin |
München, Germany |
Elements of attachment theory in primary group dynamic concepts |
Lecture |
Lautenschläger, Ruth |
Berlin, Germany |
Professional development of patients with early childhood trauma in a therapeutic living community. |
Lecture |
Leutz, Grete Anna |
Überlingen, Germany |
The psychodramatic Spontaneity Theory of Child Development - an intersubjective approach to early trauma, attachment and the development of the self |
Lecture |
Lothane, Zivi |
Paul Schreber on his own terms, or the lessons of Schreber |
Lecture |
Lutova, Natalia |
Russia |
The role of psychodynamic parameters of the subjective evaluations of schizophrenic patient’s quality of life |
Lecture |
Maaz, H.-J. |
Halle, Germany |
Disturbance of motherhood as early traumatisation and its consequences for personal development |
Lecture |
Meiraz, Rami |
Haifa, Israel |
Compulsory admission to hospital as a way of beginning therapeutic process |
Lecture |
Mikhailov, Vladimir |
St. Petersburg, Russia |
Stigmatization and Quality of Life of Patients with Epilepsy: Interdependence between the Two Problems |
Lecture |
Mishra, J. P. |
Chandil, Jharkhand, India |
Peace Psychology: Retrospect and Prospect. |
Lecture |
Moussaoui, Driss |
Casablanca, Marocco |
Jean Delay, first president of the WPA, and psychoanalysis |
Lecture |
Müller, P. |
Göttingen, Germany |
Differentiation of neurotic diseases versus personality disorders and the consequences for therapeutic treatment |
Lecture |
Neznanov, N. G. |
St. Petersburg, Russia |
Medical and social problems of aggression with psychic ill patients |
Lecture |
Omigbodun, Olayinka |
Ibadan, Nigeria |
Lecture |
Rakovskaya, Galina |
Orenburg, Russia |
Dance Therapy: influence on self-development of personality |
Lecture |
Reitz, Gertraud; Hessel, Thomas |
München, Germany |
Experiences and new results of the work with living communities of the Dynamic Psychiatry |
Lecture |
Rettenberger, Maria |
München, Germany |
Attachment disorder and complex traumatisation in a patient suffering from personality disorder; a psychotherapeutic case study |
Lecture |
Rokyta, Ute |
Berlin, Germany |
Treatment of survivors of war and torture |
Lecture |
Rosca, Paola |
Jerusalem, Israel |
Conflict of identity - a core issue in the integrative treatment of rescuers of terror attacks in Israel |
Lecture |
Schmidts, Rolf; Hegmann, Anna |
München, Germany |
Large group and cultural memory |
Lecture |
Schmolke, Margit |
München, Germany/New York, USA |
Embedding of protective factors and risiliance in a dynamic health and treatment concept |
Lecture |
Schuller, Alexander |
Berlin, Germany |
Memory resurging |
Lecture |
Selinger, Rudolf |
Düsseldorf, Germany |
Organisational Structure and Group Dynamics |
Lecture |
Sharma, Shridar |
Dehli, India |
Problem based Psychotherapy in Psychosocial Problems manifesting as functional Complaints |
Lecture |
Sinha, Subodh Kuma; Mishra, J. P. |
Chandil, Jharkhand, India |
Transitional Scenario and Problem of Mental Health. |
Lecture |
Smolik, Petr |
Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic |
Evolution of sleep and dreams: recent views and connections to the development of brain and behavior |
Lecture |
Sochacki, J.; Kokoszka, Andrzej |
Warszawa, Poland |
The General Neurotic Syndrome as the predictor of the symptom relief and changes in defence mechanisms in short-term psychotherapy |
Lecture |
Splete, Renate |
München, Germany |
Lecture |
Stadler, Monika |
San Giuseppe d. C., Italien |
Traumaarbeit in der integralen Tanz- und Ausdruckstherapie |
Short Lecture |
Stritih, Bernhard |
Ljubljana, Slovenia |
Helping trauma resolution in a social context |
Lecture |
Tal, Ilona |
Haifa, Israel |
Group treatment modalities according to ethnical background of mentally ill patients |
Lecture |
Tezuka, Chizuko |
Japan |
Naikan Therapy from an trancultural psychiatry perspective |
Lecture |
Thome, Astrid |
München, Germany |
New Aspects of Freud's Concept of the Death Instinct |
Lecture |
Thome, Astrid; Heyden, Saskia; Kern, Heinz; Fischer, Herbert; Richartz, Dore; Roschat, Heidi; Witte, Anita |
München, Germany |
Dissociative Symptoms, Trauma and Ressources... a Psychological Examination in the Therapeutic Communities of the Dynamic Psychiatry in Munich |
Lecture |
Urban, Martin |
Esslingen, Germany |
Can psychoanalysis integrate attachment theory? |
Lecture |
Urban, Martin |
Esslingen, Germany |
Compensatory attachment development – a new paradigm for psychotherapy and psychiatry |
Lecture |
Urlic, Ivan |
Split, Kroatia |
Lecture |
Urspruch, Ingeborg |
München, Germany |
The development of an ability for making peace in psychotherapeutic treatment |
Lecture |
Verma, Jyoti |
Patna, India |
Migration and Cultural Conflicts |
Lecture |
Virgil-Radu, Enatescu |
Timisoara, Rumänien |
Principled convergences between psychodynamics and the informational model of the psychic levels |
Lecture |
Welldon, Estela V. |
London, England |
Deception as an Artistic Endeavour. Trauma in negative ways or to metabolise in positive ways |
Lecture |
Wied, Victor |
St. Petersburg, Russia |
The problem of drug compliance in the modern psychiatry |
Lecture |
Winkelmann, Ulrike |
München, Germany |
Borderline Situations in Group Psychotherapy |
Lecture |
Witte, Anita; Richartz, Dorothea |
München, Germany |
The relevance of the large group for therapeutic living communities |
Lecture |
Wolfrum, Gerhard |
München, Germany |
The relationship between biographical ensured risk factors and compensatory protective factors and treatment consequences |
Lecture |
Zaloutskaia, N. |
St. Petersburg, Russia |
SA comparative analysis of central personal functions of parents of patients with endogenous psychosis and healthy Russia’s population |
Lecture |