The scientists assembled at the 16th World Congress for Dynamic Psychiatry in Munich occupy themselves with the health problems of the world population. Epidemiologists preview that within the next 10 years depression will become the leading disorder in medicine.
In our societies we encounter an increasing extent of anxiety, aggression, resignation and helplessness. The tragic events in Japan make us aware that as a consequence of reoccurring catastrophes of nature anxieties of humans reached already a reasonably high degree. Therefore we should do everything to prevent avoidable further disasters created by humans.
However, not only catastrophes by nature but also social catastrophes can cause severe psychic disturbances.
Therefore we would like to appeal on all responsible persons to evaluate the possible psychological and existential consequences concerning their fellow citizens before taking major political decisions. Feelings of inner and outer security of the population should be strengthened to prevent violence potentially developing through existential anxiety.
Therefore we rely on interpersonal, social and political solidarity.
WADP President Prof. N.Neznanov (St. Petersburg)
DAP President Dr. M. Ammon (Berlin, München)