March 21st - 25th 2011,
Psychiatric Hospital of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
Lectures (status 20th January 2011)
Official Congress Languages: English and German
- Alexandrowicz, Jerzy (Cracow): How many psychotherapies: one or more?
- Anania, Alfredo (Florence): The Research on Historical Self and Cultural Identity Through the Itinerant Seminar “L’Immaginario Simbolico”
- Arbeiter, Hildegard (Berlin): Kinder Psychisch Erkrankter Eltern. Situation und Prävention
- Babin, Serguei; Portnov Lev; Pustodin, Yuri; Shlafer, Mikhail (Orenburg): Ten Years Work of Dynamic Psychiatry (Psychotherapy) Department in Orenburg Mental Hospital
- Bagheri, Kambiz (Kazerun): Investigation of Depression Prevalence and Degree and Its Relationship with Certain Autoantibody Titers and Some Habits in Lupus and/or Recurrent Abortion Patients
- Bar-el, Juan: Mental constructs in borderline personality disorder patients, pilot study
- Bar-el, Juan, Cohen, David (Haifa): Musical Identity
- Bar-El, Juan; Zohar, Gaby (Haifa): Identity Aspects of Belonging to Ideological/Religious Cults
- Bar-el, Juan (Haifa): Avós: A Film on Transgenerational Transmission Film by Michel Wahrmann
- Barabuffi Alessio, Rombolà Corsini, Giuseppe (Florence): Sport and Elaboration of the Psychic Conflict
- Benelli, Ezio, Battaglini, Irene (Prato): Hermeneutics of Imaginery Language in the Setting of Psychology of Art
- Black Josman, Rosanna; Stav, Nili; Ofek, Ruti (Haifa):Broken Identity and Mental Illness - Rebuilding Family Identity Through the Group
- Biotti, Vittorio (Florence: The Theatre of Identities: From a Reading of ‘A Memoir of the Future’ and Other Writings From the American Period of Wilfred R. Bion (1969-79)
- Bielanska, Anna; Cechnicki Andrzej (Cracow):Drama Therapy as a Way to Recovery (plus 7 Minutes DVD Film
- Buelow, Gabriele von (Berlin):Liebesfähigkeit und Androgynität (german, english translation: Ability to love and androgynity)
- Bocharov, N.N.; Vasilyeva, Anna ; Saraykin, Dmitry (St. Petersburg):The Role of Motivational Aspects of the Identity in Determination of Psycho-therapeutic Interventions in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
- Bokhan, Nicolai; Mandel, Anna; Mazurova, Larisa (Tomsk): Interrelationship between Psychological Dependence and Co-Dependence in Women
- Botbol, Michel: How to treat borderline adolescents through the environment?
- Burbiel, Ilse; Rettenberger, Maria (Munich): A Group Conflict in Dance Therapy – Attempt of a Group Dynamic Integration
- Corti, Luca (Florence): Indexicality and Identity: Some Phenomenological Aspects of Self-Identification
- Dettore, Davide (Florence): Gender Identity Variance: A Cognitive Approach
- Di Rubbo R.; Sogaro E.; Pallanti S. (Florence): Communicative Psychotherapy Adapted for the Psycodinamic Group Setting in the Treatment of Pathological Interpersonal Dynamics of Identity
- Fantechi, Charlie (Florence): The ABC of COUNSELING: An Introduction to an Innovative Approach to Prevention and Empowerment
- Fazekas, Agnes(Budapest): Building the House - Building the Identity Milieu therapy in the school
- Fabian, Egon (München): Anxiety and Aggression: A challenge for today's youth. Angst und Aggression – eine Herausforderung für die Jugendlichen unserer Zeit
- Fabian, Egon / Birk, Monika (München): Patients´ therapeutic development in Psychoanalytic dance therapy (a video presentation)
- Ferreira, Guilherme (Lisboa): Group Therapy with psychotic, borderline and narcisstic patients in institutions
- Franic, Aleksandra (Belgrade): Motivation: An Integrative Paradigm
- Guo, Shenchang (Guangzhou): A Case Study of the Application of Traditional Chinese Culture in Psychotherapy
- Göring, Albrecht (Munich):
Androgynität und Männlichkeit
- Hanau, Karola (Berlin): Abschied und Trennung
- Hessel, Thomas: Einfluss der neueren Hirnforschung (Libet, Roth, Singer) auf die freie Willensbildung mit Fokus auf Schuldfähigkeit insbesondere bei Strafprozessen
- Hermelink, Daniel/Hoffmann, Nathaly: Arbeiten mit zersplitterten Identitätsanteilen
- Hinrichs, Reimer: "Anything goes - On the psychoanalytic Classification of Latent Homosexuality"
- Horst, Meinhart: Menschsein heisst, sich zu erinnern - Zur Psychodynamik des Vergessens
- Isardi, Lina (Florence):Anxiety-disorders and Autogenic Training
- Kümmel, Ulrich (Berlin): Das Ringen um Identität im Leben des Erwin Wexberg
- Lederer, Antje (Berlin): Schwierigkeiten in der Behandlung von Patienten mit Narzisstischer Persönlichkeitsstörung
- Leschke, Cornelia: A Question of Identity - or how the Archaic Matrix of the Oedipus Complex is Fluctuating
- Kupriyanova, Irina (Tomsk): Structure and Clinical Dynamic of Neuro-Mental Pathology Among Aboriginal Population of Siberia
- Kupriyanova, Irina (Tomsk): Psychological Profile of Women Suffering from Breast Cancer
- Krüger, Harald, Kreiner, Siglinde (München): Die Bedeutung der Entlassungsgruppe im Rahmen von Trennungsprozessen aus der Dynamisch-Psychiatrischen Klinik Menterschwaige
- Limankin, Oleg, (St. Petersburg): Psychotherapeutic and psychosocial methods in a large mental institution
- Lindstedt, Klaus (Berlin): Die Matrix des Geistes
- Lindstedt, Klaus (Berlin): Die Macht der Phantasie
- Loiacono, Anna Maria (Florence): "As If" Personalities and Identity: Affects, Emotions and Feelings
- Loukomskaia, Marina,(Paris): Dynamic of object relations in the psychotherapy of psychotic patients: a clinical case
- Loumounoff, Prof: The problem of asthenic psychogenic states treatment
- Lusetti, Volfango (Florence): Cannibalism and Evolution
- Manickam, Sam: Reviving Identity during psychotherapy: struggles and insights from India
- Martelli, Caterina; Tosarelli, Lorenza (Florence): "Astonished by Being What You are”: the Body as the Phenomenological Locus for the Relation between Implicit Unconscious and Removed Unconscious
- Mecacci, Luciano (Florence): Cognitive Self-evaluation, Performance and Anxiety
- Meinhold, Werner: Transference and Direct Communication in Psychoanalysis under Hypnosis, and its Curious Consequences
- Mishra, J.P. (Patna): Psychology of Interpersonal dynamics in the 21st Century
- Moussaoui, Driss (Casablanca): Identity, Anomia and Psychopathology
- Nicaso, Giovanna (Florence): Identity of the Working Group in the Psychotherapeutic Integrated Treatment of Spectrum Borderline Patients : A Contribution of Action-research
- Notarbolo, Irene (Florence): Interpersonal Relationship in the Biblical Conception of the Personality and its Development
- Ofek, Einat; Purdy, Suzanne (Auckland): The Hidden Parts of the Mind - A Questionnaire and EEG Study
- Oehler, Kurt (Bern): Das Wesen der Seele
- Polozhy, Boris (Moscow): The Identity Crisis: Pathology and Treatment
- Potapova, Viktoria (Tomsk): Psychotherapy o Adolescents: Possibilities of Psychoanalytic Psychodrama
- Pritz, Alfred (Vienna): Die Sigmund Freud Privat Universität Wien Paris - Erfahrungen und Perspektiven in der Psychotherapiewissenschaft
- Quartier, Florence (Geneve): Integrating psychoanalysis and psychiatry: A look at schizophrenia
- Rossetti, Daniela (Florence): The “ Melting” Process. In Search of Self-identity: A Clinical Case
- Rüth, Ulrich (Munich): Mentalization Based Working with Parents Makes Child Therapy Work
- Rutz, Wolfgang (Uppsala): Psychiatria - quo vadis. Ethical aspects on the need for integration and re-humanisation.
- Schmidts, Rolf (Munich): Large group and identity development (engl. / D. Ü.)
- Semke, Arkady; Yurovskaya, Evgeniya (Tomsk): Psychotherapy in Adaption and Rehabilitation of Schizophrenic Patients
- Semke, Valentin (Tomsk): Ethnos and Biopsychosocial Conflict und Dynamic Psychotherapy on the Territory of Siberia
- Semke, Valentin (Tomsk): Dynamic Psychotherapy on the Territory of Siberia
- Shlafer Mikhail; Sergeeva N. A. (Orenburg): Compliance Therapy as a Method of Treatment of a Schizophrenia
- Splete, Renate (Munich): Widerspiegelung von Grenzsituationen in den Träumen einer therapeutischen Gruppe deutsch / engl. Ü
- Sukhanova, Ekaterina (New York): Danger: Identity construction zone. Violence and Aggression on university campuses
- Sun, Lizong (Jinlin): The Correlation on Psychopathology of Impulse Control Disorders and Psychoanalysis
- Urspruch, Ingeborg: Entfaltungsräume zur Identitätsentwicklung in der psychoanalytischen Theatertherapie Deutsch / engl. Ü
- Viggiano, M.P.; Righi, S.; Marzi, T. (Florence): “I Remember your Fearful Face”: Temporal Dynamics of Face Emotional Memory
- Yamaguchi, Takashi (Tokyo): Positive Feedback and Categorization in Group Psychotherapy and Supervision for Psychotic Patients - A Continuous Study.
- Verma, Jyoti (Patna): An Effort Towards Understanding the Global Indian Mind Set
- Weixelbaumer, Stefan; Beck, Kerstin (Munich): Identitätsentwicklung im Rahmen der stationären Theatertherapie Beispiele aus der Praxis
- Winkelmann, Ulrike (Munich): "Was heißt Trennung in der Gruppenpsychotherapie?"