XXVI. Internationales Symposium der Deutschen Akademie für Psychoanalyse (DAP) e.V.
13. Weltkongress der World Association for Dynamic Psychiatry WADP Inc. Bern
Die Bedeutung der Gruppe für Krankeit und Gesundheit
13. - 17. März 2001, Physiologikum
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
- Was macht eine Gruppe zur Gruppe?
- Gruppendynamische Genese von psychischen und somatischen Erkrankungen
- Weiterentwicklung in der Diagnostik von Gruppenbezügen
- Anwendungsfelder von ambulanter und stationärer Gruppenpsychotherapie
- Nonverbale Therapiemethoden
- Gruppe und Identitätsentwicklung
- Gruppendynamik in Institutionen
- Gruppendynamik in der Prävention
- Die Bedeutung von Familiendynamiken für die Kinder- und Jugendlichentherapie
- Untersuchungen zur psychotherapeutischen Effizienz - Probleme der Therapieprozessforschung
- Probleme der Psychopharmakotherapie und ihre Integration in die Psychotherapie
- Integration neuer Ergebnisse interdisziplinärer Forschung aus den Bereichen der Medizin, Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kulturanthropologie, Soziologie, Philosophie, Pädagogik und transkultureller Untersuchungen
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Referenten und Vorträge alphabetisch
(wg. kurzfristig möglicher Änderungen keine Garantie auf Vollständigkeit)
Vorträge - Symposien - Workshops
Referenten / Themen
- N.K. Agrawal (Ranchi), J.P. Mishra (Chandil)
Everyday Psychopathology: A Psycho-Mathematical Model
- Jerzy Alexandrowicz (Krakau)
Specific and nonspecific factors of the group psychotherapy
- Juri A. Aleksandrovski (Moskau)
The complex therapy of patients with neurotic and somatoform disorders
- Waseem Alladin (Hull, Great Britain)
Dealing With Illness And Health: Hindu, Buddhist And Islamic Perspectives
- Maria Ammon, Gerhard Wolfrum, Thomas Bihler (Berlin, München)
Group dynamics and androgynity
- Claus Bahne Bahnson(Kiel)
Psychoanalytic Group Therapy is more than a summation of individual therapies
- Raymond Battegay(Basel)
The here and now, transference and archaic behavior patterns in (therapeutic) groups
- Rajani Bhagat(Ranchi)
Stress, security and coping - A study of working women in changing world
- Anna Bielanska, Andrzej Cechnicki, (Krakow)
Importance of the group therapy in the treatment of schizophrenia
- Anette Binder, Daniel Hermelink (München, Germany)
A comparison between the therapeutic conceptions of borderline-personality disorders of Marsha Linehan and Günter Ammon
- V.V. Bocharov, Yu.Ya. Tupitsin (Saint Petersburg)
The mental health evaluation technique
- Józef Bogacz (Krakow)
Creation and Transformation of Senses in the Process of Therapy
- N.A. Bokhan (Tomsk)
Possibilities of Complex Psychotherapy of Patients with Opiate Addiction
- Frances Bonds-White(Philadelphia)
Healing on the individual, interpersonal and group-as-a-whole levels in group psychotherapy.
- Bela Buda (Budapest)
Psychiatry and pharma industry: ethical issues of a strange relationship
- Gabriele von Bülow; Eugen Kiem(Berlin)
The Revival of the Chance of Healing
- Gabriele von Bülow; Yorck Müller-Leitloff; Eva Nehm(Berlin)
Processes of Change in Institutions as the Result of Balint Group Support
- Ilse Burbiel; Gisela Finke; Astrid Thome; Renate Splete (München/Augsburg)
On factors of change in dynamic-psychiatric group psychotherapy
- Amnon Carmi (Haifa)
The ethical aspect of "informed consent" in psychiatry
- Amnon Carmi(Haifa)
Trends in Psychiatric Legislation
- Collin Chen (Taipei, Taiwan), Takashi Yamaguchi (Tokyo, Japan)
The relevance of groups for health in the play with a tutoring toy named "tunnel blocks"
- Jorge Costa e Silva (New York, Rio de Janeiro)
- George Christie (Richmond)
Individual and Group Psychotherapy in the Treatment of Infertile Couples
- Stephan Debus (Hannover,Germany)
Controlling qualitative and quantitative reconstruction of psychiatric - psychotherapeutic environments as an "action world"
- C. De Col; G. Seewald; P. Gurka; S. Gritsch (Innsbruck, Austria)
Interventions in group therapy in the treatment of borderline personality disorders
- Tatjana B. Dmitrijewa; B.Poloshij (Moskau); M.Ammon (Berlin), I. Burbiel; G. Finke; G. Wolfrum (München)
The ethno-cultural peculiarities of mentally ill people in Russia and Germany
- Dorothea Doldinger (München)
What has a preventiv effect on the groups of the psychoanalytic kindergarden?
- Christian Donalies (Wittstock)
Some Comments on Bibliophilia, Bibliomania and Bibliotherapy
- Monika Dworschak; Nataly Hoffmann; Renate Fischer (München)
Die Milieugruppe als Lebensgruppe in der stationären Psychotherapie - eine qualitative Untersuchung
- Monika Dworschak, Bettina Hermelink (München)
Inpatient Treatment of a Patient with poor Prognosis Regarding Therapeutic Success
- H.M. Emrich; W. Paetzold (Hannover)
Das Arzt-Patient-Verhältnis
- Egon Fabian (München)
The dimension of the unconscious and group dynamics in psychoneuro-immunological research
- Agnes Fazekas, Maria Fehér, Judith Krasznai
The Importance of Group and group Dynamics in the Mirror of the Psychological Literature of Hungary
- Agnes Fazekas (Budapest, Hungary)
Separating therapy in case of divorce blanche's case
- Ernst Federn (Wien)
Milieu therapy as group work process
- Maria Feher (Budapest, Hungary)
Separating therapy in adolescence
Esther's case
- Giulherme Ferreira (Lissabon)
The importance of groups in Mental Health promotion
- Herbert Fischer(München)
Group dynamics in risky outdoor sports
- Bálint Füzeki (Budapest, Hungary)
About The Characteristics Of The Hungarian Outpatient Psychiatric Instititutes
- H.E. Gabriel (Wien)
Der Stellenwert der sozialen Systeme im psychiatrischen Betreuungsprozeß
- M. E. Garnett, R. Josman and L. Schneider
(Karmiel, Israel)
The use of dance movement therapy and verbal therapy in the group treatment of psychiatric patients in an outpatient, community, mental-health clinic
- Albrecht Göring, Eva Viechtbauer ( München, Germany)
The image of man and the group dynamics of the german constitution
- Birger Gooss (Freiburg, Germany)
Putting on stage the drama of trauma and healing
- Olga Gusseva (St. Petersburg, Russia)
Impatient group dynamic psychotherapy for schizophrenic patients
- Reinhard Hellmann (Markt Indersdorf, Germany)
The meaning of early interactional experience in the family-group for the development of the borderline-syndrom
- Thomas Hessel (Munich, Germany)
Group psychotherapy in germany with regard to legal sight
- Thomas Hessel (Munich, Germany)
Notice of patient rights in the fundamental laws charta of the european community
- Hanna Jaklewicz (Gdansk)
The young people at the transformation time in Poland
- Modest Kabanov (St. Petersburg)
Die Rolle der Gruppenkommunikation in der Rehabilitation der Geisteskranken
- Istvan Kappeter (Hungary)
Opportunities for group psychotherapy and its difficulties in nursing homes
- B. Karwasarskij; R. Nasyrov; V. Sljosin; J. Tschechlatyi (St. Petersburg)
Psychophysiologische Untersuchungen und emotionelles Coping bei den Neurosen im Zusammenhang mit den Aufgaben der Gruppenpsychotherapie
- Mauricio Knobel (Campinas)
Negative Social Energy as a Result of Group Danamics in Postmodernism
- Spyridon Koutroufinis (Berlin)
The Understanding Of Process And Creativity Within The Berlin School Of Dynamic Psychiatry - A Process Philosophical Consideration
- L.I. Kozlovskaya (St. Petersburg, Russia)
Character of social adaptation of neurotic patients
- Judit Krasznai (Budapest, Hungary)
Symbiosis-complex in schooled - Blase's case
- I.E. Kuprianova (Tomsk)
Criteria of Quality of Life in Structure of Mental Health
- Pittu Laungani (London)
Health and illness among Asians in India and England the effect of family structures on coping strategies
- Miguel Leibovich (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
The relevance of integrative groups for business executives.
- Erwin Leßner, Julia Taylor-Mützel (München)
The Sounds of Group-dynamics in Music self-experience
- Grete Leutz (Überlingen)
Die weltweite Entwicklung der Gruppenpsychotherapie von ihren ersten Anfängen an
- Aldo Lombardo (Roma)
Group Dynamics in Institutions
- H.-J. Maaz (Halle)
Die Gruppe als "Mutterkörper" in einer mutterlosen Gesellschaft
- Titus Milech
The Group and the Individual in the Work of Edvard Munch
- Luiz Miller de Paiva; A. M. Alegre; A. Vegesack Kadocsa (Sao Paolo):
Group analysis and perversions. Sexuality-thought
"love's avatar"
- J.P. Mishra (Chandil), S.K. Singh (Khandwa), A.K. Srivastava (Hardwar)
Impact of Group Dynamics for Mental Health and Peace
- J.P. Mishra (Chandil)
View of Life Versus Way of Life: A Group-Psycho-Dynamic Approach
- H.J. Möller (München)
Die Bedeutung der Psychopharmakotherapie für die Psychotherapie
- Gregory Mouladoudis (Thessaloniki)
The presence of facilitator in relation dynamic group as an essential element
of the personal development of members
- Driss Moussaoui (Casablanca)
Child mental health: time for a joint effort
- P. Müller, A. Dümpelmann, E. Schaefer (Göttingen, Germany)
Complete treatment methods of schizophrenia
- Bernd Mützel (München)
A comparison of different concepts of organisation consulting with special consideration of analytic group dynamics
- N. Nesnanov (St. Petersburg)
Die Vergleichscharakteristik der Aggressivität bei den Patienten mit Herz- und Kreislauferkrankungen.
- Kurt Theodor Oehler (Zimmerwald ,Swizerland)
Rivalry: A Taboo
- Achmed Okasha (Kairo)
- Maria Orwid; B.Lukasz; E. Domagalska-Kurdziel; M. Kaminska; K. Prot; K. Szwajca (Krakau)
Relevance of groups in holocaust survivors and second generation
- Mario Peretti (Buenos Aires)
Objectives and time limited group psychotherapy in the general hospital
- Hava Pollack (Israel)
Parental Decision Making for Out of Home Placement of Mental Illness Handicaps
- Jurj V. Popov (St. Petersburg)
Psychodynamische Aspekte der Sexualgewalt zwischen den Kindern und Halbwüchsigen in Russland
- Gertaud Reitz (München)
Group dynamic process in the out-patient humanstructural dance therapy (with video)
- Hans Reijzer (Amsterdam)
Group analysis and psychoanalytic group psychotherapy as lost children of psychoanalysis and groupdynamics
- Thomas Reinert (Velbert-Langenberg)
The context in which we were placed - About the importance of significancies for the development of the child
- F. Resch (Heidelberg,Germany)
Psychotherapy of psychosis: developmental aspects of the prepsychotic self
- Maria Rettenberger (Munich, Germany)
The impacts of humanstructural dance therapy on a patient with epileptic fits
- Bernhard Richarz (Berlin); Sylvelin Römisch (München)
Group process and therapist' s dreams - unconscious identification with the conductors in an inpatient group psychotherapy
- Jenny Robinson (United Kingdom)
Group and Group Dynamics in a Therapeutic Community in England
- Isabel Rodrigues (Lissabon, Portugal)
Communicating with family practitioners: North-South European differences
- Rita Rogers (Palos Verdes)
Between Europe and USA, remembering and forgetting (psycho-social-cultural relations)
- Vadim Rotenberg; Y. Zusman (Tel Aviv)
The dynamic of behavioral attitudes in the process of group therapy
- A.B. Rotov (Tomsk, Russia)
Dependency of decrease of excessive body mass in the process of
psychotherapeut correction on hypnability
- Victor D. Sauna (Queens, USA)
Group cohesiveness and mental health among jews
- Hugues Scharbach (Nantes)
Therapeutic Approach of Borderline Children and Teenagers Use of Tales in Therapy Workshops
- Rolf Schmidts, G. Plöchinger, G. Sandermann, D. Senekovitz, I. Steinhausen, H. Tapavitza, E. Viechtbauer (München)
Myths, Tales and Events in the Group-Dynamic Process of Large Groups in the Frame of a Meeting in Paestum
- Wolfram Schmitt ( Saarbrücken,Germany )
On The History Of Psychotherapeutic Approaches In Clinical Therapy
- Wolfram Schmitt (Saarbrücken, Germany)
On The History Of Psychical Dynamics As Component Of The Concept Of Psyche
- Shridhar Sharma (Delhi)
- Margit Schmolke(New York)
The health promotive meaning of social resources for schizophrenic patients
- R. Selinger (Düsseldorf Germany)
The private and the public
- V. Ya. Semke (Tomsk, Russia)
Qualitat of life as an index of societal health
- Ilona Siedt (Berlin, Germany)
A psychosomatic concept of rehabilitation by stages of maturity as evidenced by a deeply psychological combination of out-patient and partial in-patient group therapy
- Vlasta Stalekar(Zagreb)
Unsuccessful separation from a symbiotic family.
- Bernard Stritih, Miran Mozina (Ljubljana)
Groups and social capital
- Astrid Thome (München)
Die Behandlung von komplextraumatisierten Patienten in der analytischen Gruppentherapie
- Astrid Thome; Gisela Finke; Gerhild Sandermann (Augsburg/München)
Test-diagnostics with borderline patients - a comparison of FDS and ISTA scales
- Shmouel Tyano (Tel Aviv)
The transgenerational transmission - from individuality to group process
- Rolf Schmidts, Gerhild Sandermann (München)
Mythen, Erzählungen und Geschichten im großgruppendynamischen Prozeß einer Klausurtagung - zur Integration von Untergruppen
- Kate Bradshaw Tauvon, Lars Tauvon (Stockholm, Sweden)
Footprints in your heart - growing, through creative connection. Some reflections on a weekly psychodrama group
- Martin Urban (Esslingen)
Das Bindungsverhalten schizophrener und Borderline-Patienten als Spuren traumatischer Gruppenerfahrung in der primären Sozialisation
- Krzysztof Walczewsky et al. (Krakau)
Unconscious group phantasies in the group of deeply disturbed patients
- V. Wied; N. Lutova (St. Petersburg)
Die Dynamik des Anpassungsverhaltens bei psychotischen Patienten im Verlauf der Gruppentherapie
- Katarzyna Wenglarczyk, Maria Wojnar, Andrzej Cechnicki (Krakow)
Different Types of Group Therapy and its Influence for the Quality of the Relation Between Patient and Therapist
- Ulrike Winkelmann; Bettina Weber; Anita Witte (München)
What is meant by a borderline situation in group psychotherapy?
- Gerhard Wolfrum, Gerhild Sandermann, Dore Richartz (München)
Group dynamics and Creativity in Self-Experience Groups with Painting
- Gerhard Wolfrum (Munich, Germany)
Group And Eroticism
- Takashi Yamaguchi (Tokio)
Love and Hatred Final Report on Hiroshima Bomb Survivors: Group Arts Therapy Approach
- H. G. Zapotoczky
"Conquest of victory" - an unrealizable charismatic approach
- Maria Ammon (Berlin); Franz Resch (Heidelberg)
Psychotherapie von Psychosen - Entwicklung des präpsychotischen Selbst
- Maria Ammon; M. Dworschak; U. Köppen; G. Wolfrum (Berlin/ München)
- Maria Ammon (Berlin)
Selbsterfahrung im humanstrukturellen Tanz
- Claus Bahne Bahnson(Kiel)
Psychoanalytic Group Therapy with chronically ill Patients
- Birger Goos (Freiburg)
Pesso-therapy - demonstration and self-experience
- György Körmendy (Budapest)
Humanstrukturelle Kinderanalyse und Kinderpsychotherapie
- Mauricio Knobel (Campinas)
Negative social energy as a result of group dynamics in post modernism
- Rolf Schmidts (München)
- Johannes Vogeler (Grönenbach);Achim Votsmeier (Röhr)
Stationäre Gruppenpsychotherapie in der Behandlung von Borderline-Störungen - Das Grönenbacher Modell